Custom Assurance Placements

U.S. Facilitator Liability & Travel Accident & Illness, Including Complications Coverage

Liability coverage is designed to meet the needs of U.S.-based facilitators to cover possible liability resulting from the coordination of medical travel activities. Custom Assurance Placements, Ltd. has developed a superior liability policy with an "A" rated insurer.

Limits available up to USD $10,000,000 with excess insurance options.

  • Coverage for the exposure of an act, error, or omission in the performance of professional services.
  • Coverage for vicarious liability from medical malpractice associated with the facilitation of medical tourism.
  • Coverage includes damages and claims expenses as well as defense costs.
  • Includes a toll-free hotline phone number for consultations with a leading law firm in the medical tourism industry.
  • Please also refer to Global Protective Solutions Group Medical Travel and Complications Benefits, which provide an immediate response to instances and mitigate liability exposures of Facilitators.

This is a brief description of coverage and is not an insurance contract. For coverage specifics and details, please refer to the exact terms and conditions of the policy.

We’re here to help! Simply call +1 (803) 799-1770 or email to discuss your requirements.

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